Monday, July 12, 2010

Connecting the Links in the Service Chain

This new course is intended for organizations that have adopted ITIL but are not seeing the expected improvements in their service delivery or those organizations that have issues with aligning their IT organization with the business’ expectations and are looking to introduce ITIL processes for the first time.

This is not another ITIL certification course. The intention is that this will be a workshop that will give the participants practical experience of how the different aspects of ITIL hook together to create a full service chain that will allow your IT team to better serve the business needs.

This program is totally scalable to the needs of the receiving organization. Depending on the maturity of the receiving organization the course can focus on implementing basic responsive incident management and then work through the connections between incident and problem management, the use of a knowledgebase, configuration management, service portfolio management, SLAs, etc until all aspects of ITIL are covered.

It's a highly interactive course and really helps dicipline managers see the big picture and work together on an integrated apprroach to service delivery.

For information on pricing and course delivery options, contact